The Love Story of Aeneas and Dido
A short story of the love and break up of the Trojan-Carthaginian power couple, Aeneas and Dido, as told by Virgil in his Aeneid
A short story of the love and break up of the Trojan-Carthaginian power couple, Aeneas and Dido, as told by Virgil in his Aeneid
Virgil in his Aeneid provided a detailed description of how Aeneas and the fleeing Trojans left the city and foud their way to Italy where their ancestors founded the city of Rome.
The life of Odysseus, the hero of the Homeric epic Odyssey, was full of adventures. Could he be responsible for the birth of Rome? Instead of the wolf-loving twins?
The Romans faced a problem in the city of Salpia – the local marches influenced the health of the inhabitants. Solution was simple – to move the whole city away.
Aeneas was the hero of Virgil’s Aeneaid. But what did he do in the Trojan war, before coming to Italy?